November: Oi yeast-face, what's in the FV? 

Ever had one of those derpy days when you're not quite "switched on"?  I should heed my own advice on such days and not attempt anything with potentially messy consequences like... Oooh... Dumping yeast off the fermenter?  Idiot boy here failed to close the tank valve before decoupling the sight glass triclamp and pressure-sprayed hoppy, yeasty beer matter all over himself and the brewery 😅. Still, it was a good chance for a cleanup and I smelled lovely for a while.  Can confirm that batch is shaping up nicely....

It's a brew using the Guava Lava recipe but trying out "Mango Madness" yeast from WHC Lab.  What a monster - it ripped through the wort at over 30°c!
Check out that hop haze from the dip hopped biotransformation.
Will be dry-hopping this one in the next few days and should be available for quaffage in December.  Assuming I don't have any more idiot moments.

Second fermenter is conditioning a best bitter dubbed "Smooth Rupert" (after catching an episode of easily the funniest series of Task Master, thanks to Munya Chawawa).
It's shaping up nicely - balanced and malty with a nice trad bitterness.  Gone for low carbonation for a softer mouthfeel.  Conditioning for a couple more weeks.

Couple of mods and the taproom is looking cosy with the new festoon lights up.  A lovely little private function there recently - delicious beer, pickled eggs and a good chew-on across a plethora of topics 🍻😍
Looking forward to opening again soon!  Subscribe to the newsletter and/or follow on Instagram to stay in the know.

This article was updated on December 27, 2024